Version 1

WPML Compatibility

Estimated reading: 1 minute 197 views

Setting up Fast WooCredit Pro to use with WPML is pretty straight forward. The main work is done by the presence of the relevant translation file. As long as the PO and MO files are located in the /languages/ folder within the Fast WooCredit Pro plugin, then WPML will see the translations and pull them in on the relevant localised pages.

If you need to create a translation there is a POT file located in the /languages/ folder. All the fields in there can be translated into any language you need and then the relevant strings will be pulled in by WPML.

In short everything is dependant on WPML being already setup and configured with WooCommerce on your site. Once this is done you simply add your products along the translated versions. When either the ‘credit purchase’ or the ‘use credit’ product is selected the relevant translations will be shown on the site pages, including Cart and Checkout to the visitor.

Any support with translations feel free to reach out to our support here or email

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WPML Compatibility

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