Version 1

Estimated reading: 1 minute 81 views

The tutorials refer to the older version 1.x of the Fast WooCredit and FastCredit plugin. We will leave them available for users who may need them for backwards compatibility and understanding the settings on older sites.

Changing Default Word ‘Credit’
Changing Default Word ‘Credit’

If you prefer something unique rather than the word ‘credits’, you can

Create A Store Credit Bundle Based Product
Create A Store Credit Bundle Based Product

Creating a Credit bundle is quick and easy with FastCredit Pro Here

Credit Store Payment Gateway
Credit Store Payment Gateway

A credit store payment gateway is available with FastCredit Pro. This gives

Credits Only Store
Credits Only Store

You may wish to allow customers to only make purchases from your

Display and Edit Credit Balances
Display and Edit Credit Balances

Fast WooCredit Pro gives you flexibility when it comes to displaying your

Instant Credit Store Purchases
Instant Credit Store Purchases

With Fast WooCredit Pro you can let your customers bypass the WooCommerce

Sell A Store Credit Based Product
Sell A Store Credit Based Product

Selling credit based products is as simple as selling any product on

Subscription Based Credit Purchases
Subscription Based Credit Purchases

Fast WooCredit Pro offers support for WooCommerce Subscriptions. Please note subscription options

WPML Compatibility
WPML Compatibility

Setting up Fast WooCredit Pro to use with WPML is pretty straight

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Version 1

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